Greeting Card Set - A Walk in the Park (color)


Greeting Card Set - A Walk in the Park (color)


when i decided to pursue putting this project together – the creation of box sets of images i’ve made through the years of rocky mountain national park, i wanted a theme.  i didn’t merely want a set of wow images from the most iconic locations in the park.  those images are everywhere and you can buy them as post cards in any gift shop in estes park or grand lake.  i wanted a set of images of what the park is about, and it’s about much more than merely those iconic locations.  while i’ve included some images from the most popular locations, i’ve also included some images from locations you may never see.  i’ve included some images that are much more intimate views within the park.  this set of images in these box sets – this is what rocky mountain national park is to me.

ask any seasoned rocky mountain national park visitor what it is the park is about, and you’ll likely get a number of different answers.  most likely however, you’ll hear mountains, lakes, wildlife and elk in particular, aspen, forest, waterfalls, long’s peak, the continental divide.  there are two things that are the primary components of the park in my mind: the mountain peaks and the water.  those other elements listed above, certainly are components – some quite large components, however they’re secondary to the mountains and the water to me.  as such, you’ll see a good representation of those peaks, and of the water within the park.  you’ll see snow in the colder months and you’ll see a lack of snow in the warmer, summer months.  you’ll see flowers, and you’ll see barren trees.  what you’ve purchased is a set of images of the park at its most real throughout the seasons.

i sincerely hope you enjoy this set of images from the park.  i hope it brings back memories of the time you’ve spent there, or merely inspires your imagination. most of all, i hope you enjoy the images that represent my numerous walks through the park.

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a group of twelve folded 5x7 gift cards with color images from rocky mountain national park. the set comes boxed with envelopes for each card.